
Chez OC&C Strategy Consultants, nous avons pour principe de traiter chaque problématique dans sa spécificité et d’apporter à nos clients des solutions sur mesure étudiées selon leurs besoins précis, plutôt que des réponses génériques.

Cette sélection de publications par OC&C reflète notre capacité à réfléchir différemment, à apporter un éclairage nouveau et un point de vue non conformiste.

Cette section vous permet de consulter et de télécharger nos « éclairages » stratégiques, des textes courts et stimulants, rédigés comme base de réflexion pour nos clients.

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mardi 1 juillet 2008

Thin pickings

The next time you stroll through your local town or city centre, with its independent shops, chain stores and coffee shops, take a good look.  Some of them might not be around much longer

mardi 3 juin 2008

Think global act focal

Global suppliers are focussing on their billionaire brands and reaping the rewards in spite of the economy

mardi 6 mai 2008

Feeling the squeeze

As the cost of living rises and daily news reports continue to flood us with glum tales of inflation in the price of food, fuel and interest rates, good news is certainly at a premium

mardi 4 mars 2008

Stop, look, listen

To be a customer centric retailer, management has to let the customer’s perspective cascade down through every aspect of the organisation from designing store formats to devising store labour models that provide the level of service that customers value most

mardi 5 février 2008

Lean mean selling machine

In today’s tough climate, many businesses think cutting costs is the only way to drive profits. But top line growth is still possible

mardi 1 janvier 2008

Does price really matter?

Retailers invest huge amounts of effort and money in price. Chinese consumers have a surprisingly poor knowledge of actual prices, but do know where to get the best deal

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